Study Jams & Practice Exams

Study Jams and Practice Exams are two great ways to prepare for exams, midterms, and finals. All of the events below are open to every student. You do not need to currently have a tutor or attend tutoring sessions to go to these events!

Study Jams are offered every semester to help students prepare for midterms and finals. Stop by a study jam for assistance with test taking strategies, questions about course material, or to find a study space with peers in a small group setting. 

Fall 2024 Study Jam Dates Coming Soon!

Practice Exams are a great way to review course material before your next math or chemistry exam! During a practice exam, students have one hour to complete the practice test and one hour to work with a tutor in a small group. Tutors focus on answering questions, working through solutions, and sharing test taking strategies. 

Fall 2024 Practice Exam Dates Coming Soon!